History 7

Course Description



World History 7 is an introductory course of study based on medieval and early world civilizations that have shaped our modern world and our identity as global citizens. This course studies various civilizations that served as building blocks to our modern societies, and how these have shared patterns for survival, such as: migration, agriculture, expansion, military conquest, social hierarchies, economics, trade, and communication. This is covered with the analysis and evaluation of primary and secondary sources of various formats. The units of study include impact and contributions of great civilizations and world religions such as: The Roman Empire and Christianity, Muslim States and Islam, African Kingdoms, Mesoamerican civilizations,  Asian civilizations and Buddhism, Medieval Europe and Reformation of Catholic Church, and the European Renaissance. This course is designed to provide multiple points of view on all topics discussed, promoting social and religious tolerance as well as civic responsibilities as world citizens. This is a blended course with technology as an essential tool for research and learning.