Human Trafficking Presentation by Homeland Security for Parents

English Presentation
Topic: Human Trafficking presented by  Homeland Security Investigations                
Parents are encouraged to attend and learn about the dangers of human trafficking.
Date: Monday, March 27, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Join Zoom:
Meeting ID: 879 4053 0221
Passcode: 415395
Presentación en Español:
Tema: Traficando Personas presentado por Homeland Security Investigations
Se anima a los padres que asistan y aprender sobre los peligros de los traficantes de personas
Fecha: Martes, día 28 de Marzo 2023  
Hora: 5:00 P.M.
Acompáñenos por Zoom:
Meeting ID: 812 2466 4194
Passcode: 95604